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The projects I’ve worked on


Boiler room automation systems, telemetry, supervisory control.

Tech stack: CoDeSys, PLC, IEC 61131-3, ST, FBD.

2017 - C++, JS, Arduino, WebStandards

ESP8266 microchip MVC web interface library

A lightweight MVC library for building component-based real-time user interface for ESP8266 Wi-Fi microchip.

Tech stack: Arduino, ESP8266, C++, HTTP, TCP, WebSockets, Wi-Fi, HTML, CSS, JS, Modbus, NTP.

Github: ESP8266WebSocketsWebGUI.

2018 - Java, JS,

2019 - Spring, TypeScript, Angular, NgRx

MyNotes App

MyNotes is a SpringBoot CRUD REST API service with JWT authentication and Angular clients.

Tech stack:


2020 - RxJava, ProjectReactor, Spring WebFlux, MongoDB

Telegram Bot API clients

Console version

Tech stack: Netflix RxJava v2.2, Netflix HttpAsyncClient, Spring ProjectReactor Netty WebClient, AsyncHttpClient, Apache Commons CLI.

Github: RxJava Telegram Bot API Console Client.

Browser version

Tech stack: Spring Boot WebFlux, Reactive WebSockets, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap.

Github: Spring Boot WebFlux RxJava2 Thymeleaf WebSockets Telegram Bot API Client.

Reactive MongoChat App

Pure Reactive WebFlux MongoDB WebSocket Chat that supports file attachments, video transcoding and streaming.

Tech stack:


2021 - OOP, Design Patterns

Youtube Scraper Web App

This app allows retrieving and storing in a database all publicly available comments for any youtube channel through Youtube public APIs. Frontend client displays the saved data in a user-friendly manner, allowing sorting, filtering, and full-text search.

Tech stack:
